Thursday, April 26, 2007

Useful Windows Tools

I was searching Magical Jelly Bean program which help to recover lost product keys for Microsoft Windows and Office. Then I encounter this website called Kez News. Inside this website contain lots of other useful utilities for IT administrator. One of them is the activator program which ease IT administrator from going to Microsoft Activation procedures which could be troublesome.

They also posted the latest information on security issues and offer solution to it. Latest programs which could help you do better as well. However bad thing about this website is pornography advertisement. Be warned kids under 18 years old. You might want to consult your parent regarding this.

There is a forum which you might want to know the pros and cons of certain utilities posted at Kez News and you might want to read it before wasting your time trying it out. No doubt it more a dark side type of website which teaches you a lot of piracy stuff. However it is all part of education. If you don't know the bad things, how would you find out the goods one.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

HP, Dell or Apple

Many people have difficulties thinking which brand of computer they should be getting. They are so focus on the brand name and they forget what they really need from a computer. Here is the list of things you should consider first before choosing which brand to go to.

  1. Find out what applications you need to run on the new computer. It helps to determine how much processing power, quantity of ram, graphic card and hard disk space.
  2. Plan ahead. Check your history of changing computer. If you are going to use the computer for next 5 years or 10 years then it is worth it to get higher specification than your require specification. Maybe double up your processor power.
  3. Find out whether you really want to be mobile or most of your time is sitting at the same place to use the computer. This will helps you determine whether you getting laptop or desktop.
  4. Plan your budget for a computer. With a budget set, you can easily choose certain components you like and assemble yourself or package offered by these computer suppliers. Or opt for Apple a premium computer with added style and design.

Some people said HP quality is better than Dell and vice versa. However if you notice most of the things today are being produce in China. They are big manufacturer with superb low cost advantage. Therefore you should not compare so much on the quality of the product since somehow a few of components inside your computer manufactured in China. It is wise to compare quality of their services. Which supplier offer good services and fast response without punching hole in your wallet. Do not be bias to brand name because you have bad experience with their product. All of the manufacturing plant would produce faulty products. There is no perfect thing in this world. It is the after sales service important here. If they able to swap the faulty product right away then you should be their customer.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

History of removable disk drive

Many people already been using pendrive or thumbdrive or flash disk. However how many people would remember the trustworthy 3.5" floppy disk. During my days all these NAND memory isn't available at the market with an affordable price tag. Now with these flash disk flooded the market and floppy disk become legacy. Beside is an image of the legacy floppy disk and below is floppy disk drive/reader.

People are changing rapidly which make the technology to leap forward for accommodating human needs. Floppy disk capacity (1.44MB) is just merely a fly compare with current flash disk today. Many video, audio and images created today exceed 1.44MB which make the floppy disk impractical to use. Imagine carrying a bag fill with 500 pieces of floppy disk to work and slowly download the file from every single floppy disk before you able to see the big picture. It is more easy to carry a single small flash disk and it is cheaper compare buying 500 pieces of floppy disk. Furthermore, the capacity of 4GB flash disk in Malaysia cost around USD 40 and 4GB is around 2700 floppy disks. What about the picture below:

There are minority group of people in Malaysia resist to change and still insist to use floppy disk. That is why my HR payroll manager has to carry floppy disk to bank for them to download information in order to process the employees payroll. When you buy desktop computers today do not come with floppy disk drive. It is a like a premium item and has to be added from the optional items menu. Even notebooks do not come with floppy disk already. Luckily there is some manufacturer being considerable to allow this optional item to connect as one of the USB devices. Which greatly allow mobility and sharing devices among users. Like the picture below:

Maybe soon we will need to create a small society which still using floppy disk drive in order to prevent a total annihilation. As we united, we become stonger. Anyway it is just a joke. Please post your comment regarding this issue.

Source of images:

Monday, April 9, 2007

Software development for Beginner

Everybody has to start from scratch. However starting from scratch require you to have plan or else you will hit the walls again and again. There are many types of programming and which area you want to venture in is very vital in your programming specialty. Below is the list of available programming area you might want to know:

1. Web Programming - involve in programming a dynamic website which could provide real-time information such as stock exchange price, volume and top ten active stocks. Even e-mail such as Yahoo! Mail or Gmail require programming too. One of the beauty of web programming is it could cross-platforms. This means Mac OSX, Ubuntu Linux and Windows XP could access the information without huge compatibility issue. It could be accessed anywhere and anytime in the world. It require just a Internet browser to make it work.

2. Software programming - this is the area where you want to create application for people to use for example like Microsoft Office, Winzip, Ahead Nero Burning ROM and many more. It also depend on which platform you want to develop in such as Linux, Windows and Mac. As compare with web programming, an installation is require prior using the software you have just developed. However it installed a local copy of software inside your computer therefore actions perform and navigation inside that software is faster than those on the web. Data exchange is less compare with the web because the web server need to send the graphics interface down to the client computer.

3. Middleware programming - middleware is computer software that joins multiple software components or application together. It acts as an interface between other softwares to create more powerful, richer and enhanced features software. Example of having a network card inside a computer allow the computer to connect the Internet to access more information ranging from text, video and audio. As a result, network card is just an interface between the Internet and your computer.

Let's have brief introduction to programming. There are many types of programming language and each programming language is target for certain application.

Below are the list of well-known programming language:
1. C, C++, C#
2. Java, Javascript, JSP
4. SQL database programming lanquage
5. PHP

I put C programming language as top of the list because it is so versatile and widely accepted in all platform. Although there are some variations however the fundamental is still the same. C language is like first world country with all the latest gadgets/features and provide a powerful environment to programmer to create a lot of things. Now with C# is even better which could do web programming as well.

Java is not bad either because it is build to be similiar with C programming. Syntax and concept almost same with C. Therefore a lot of people argue between this two programming language and compare each other. Both is equal powerful and it is up to you to feel which is comfortable to do your programming work.

VB short for Visual Basic and this programming language is designed for rapid development. It is so easy to understand which help programmer to focus more on getting the software out to the market as quickly as possible. But Visual Basic is not as powerful as C or Java and not as customizable like C or Java. It is meant for building simple till immediate programs. If you would like to make a program which interact with the operating system and device driver definitely you would want to do it in C or Java because VB give you a lot of limitation in this area.

SQL or in short squel meant for database programming. It is a 4th generation database programming language which allow users to create, manipulate and remove tables. In short it could generate reports, record transaction and store data in proper format. However it is not as powerful as those in C or Java but at least it able to cater the result you want in simple and easy to understand table format. If you require graphs and charts definitely SQL is unable to do it.

is an open-source programming language which means you can get it free and develop the program to run in either Mac, Linux or Windows freely. It is well-known web programming language that many web programmer like to get involved. It is interesting and powerful to do what you want it to do. But compare with Java and C it is still not in their league. Since it embrace the open-source license, many web programmer create PHP script/program and distribute freely in the Internet. Which means you can get a lot of freebies in this PHP thingy.

Now making the right choice is important. Where should you start first? Well ask yourself these 2 questions like the below:

1. Do you want to be serious in programming and have a career in programming?
If the answer is yes then you would most probably start with C then follow by C++ and C#. Or Java follow by Javascript and JSP. If you get a full grasp of these programming languages then you have no problem learning VB and PHP because it is piece of cake compare with C and Java.

2. Do you want to create simple and easy to use program which help to automate tasks and want to do it as an hobby?
VB is for you and if you into web programming then ASP.NET (it use VB language but different name for web programming platform) or PHP.

I hope I have give you some insight of programming and hope you make the right choice.

Friday, April 6, 2007

DHCP Revealed

Basically in this Internet era, many people already understand the term IP which stands for Internet Protocol. When someone said IP address means the magical number in format like or

Every computer that connect to network either Local Area Network (LAN) or the Internet require an IP address assigned to it. Just like everyone has a name. So computer also need a name but computer do not understand words, they only understand numbers. Therefore IP address is their name and given a name to them, information could pass easily without being confused. For example, an document without intended recipient and sender name it would end up nowhere. With IP address added to the document, it become more meaningful because computer able to recognize the document is for who and which computer it come from.

There is so many computers around the world. Are you going to give each computer an IP address whenever they connect to the Internet? Let's scale down to LAN first. Imagine you have 20 computers inside an organization. Would you get fed up if you are required to give an IP address to each of this computer? What about expansion where you have to get more computers in and start giving more IP address. What about visitor in your company want to do a presentation which require him to connect to the Internet and you need to tamper with the visitor's computer settings. Making life difficult isn't it?

So there is this one little technology called DHCP which stand for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Its main function is to assign IP address automatically from a table of available IP address. Make your life easier by having this DHCP thingy isn't it? Better than running around the whole organization to give each PC an IP address.

Now DHCP is quite standard and you could find it in most router in this world. Take mine Levelone router for example. Screenshot below:

You can click the image above to enlarge it.

After I login into my router. I can enable the DHCP server and specify range of IP address available for assignment. So you won't need to scare that it would conflict with your server IP address. You can set your server IP address out of the range you have set for DHCP server. Save the configuration and you are done.

However not all router have the same web interface. So you need to be an explorer to find out a bit about your router. Do not worry. There is a reset button behind each router in case you screw up. Once you reset, everything back to default settings and you can retry again to set DHCP. After you have done it, you will feel proud that you learn something new.

To be in the safe side please read your router manual if there is one. You will definitely find a section teaching you how to setup DHCP. You can also save a copy of your configuration before you tweak the DHCP. When something happen, you can restore back your configuration. Simple?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Misconception on Linux

Linux is hard to learn. Well rethink again. When you are born into this world, is it hard for you to learn how to walk, jump and run? No doubt everybody is born to be empty. What make you who you are today is what you willing to learn, endure and change. If you think learning Linux is hard then it will be forever hard. If you follow through the development of Linux when it first launch, you will be suprised how easy it is now to learn Linux compare to 90's era. Where no Graphic User Interface (GUI) available for Linux, you need to type and type and forever typing.

Same goes to Windows. Early Windows 3.1 is based on MS DOS. You need to type a lot of things to install MS DOS into the computer then only you start to install Windows. Isn't that difficult?

Now Linux come with a nice Gnome or KDE interface, you just need to learn how to use the mouse to point and click. You cannot expect Linux to run things like Windows. Just like asking cow to climb trees like monkey. Both of them is different thing but still able to get the same result. You play video and music in Windows Media Player, you should not expect Windows Media Player available in Linux. In Linux a program call Totem which do the same thing like Windows Media Player.

Linux is based on UNIX system. It is the well known system in the world. Father of all operating system. If you compare Linux with Windows, Linux stability is far superior than Windows. No doubt Windows have improve dramatically over the years but Linux use less resources and maintain multi-user environment at all time. Try the new Windows Vista with 512MB memory, you will feel the pain of lagness. Try that again on Linux and you will be suprise how smooth it is. Why Linux able to support old system and perform normally and Windows could not?

When comes to customisation, Windows only offer the API and you are bound to that. Linux is open source, opportunities is limitless where think out of the box happen easily. Won't you want to be free?

A lot of FREE softwares available to Linux compare with Windows. Abundant is better than you have no choice. Take a look at and you will find a lot of Linux free software lying around asking you to try them. Why can't Windows developer do the same? Isn't giving free things in life make you wonderful?

Linux come in original full form package. You have no restriction to add more things to it or minus things off it. Take a look at Windows, it comes in many edition like Home, Professional, Business, Ultimate and many more. Windows Home edition have less features compare with Professional edition. This definitely won't happen in Linux. Linux can be upgrade and downgrade whenever you want. That's what I call freedom. Can you do that in Windows?

Final words, Linux is free and capable to do more than Windows.

Globalisation Made Easy

During the 90's era, Internet is something like premium items. Only the rich and educated could reach them. Now everybody can online. Just like the mono TV turns into color TV. Life is wonderful again isn't it? Think again. It is even more exciting if you get to know that everybody can start a global business in Internet.

Check around the Internet by typing web hosting in google search engine. The list goes on and on and you might find some really cheap hosting. Like in my country, RM60 (USD 18) include .com domain and you are ready to start a global business. Here is the link to that offer Knewl isn't it?

Think of that in normal brick and mortar business. Businessman will laugh at you with that miserable USD 18 and you want to sell your things all around the world?

Having stocking up products to sell would require capital to start up. When you don't have the money what you going to do? Well God give us a brain to remember things. Why waste your past experiences. Put them into words and publish in the Internet. People will read it, Internet is not your high school teacher where they say your essay sucks and give you very low score for it. There are millions of people who going to read your words and each feel differently. Someone in this world people will appreciate your writting. Someone will going to click on the advertisement you put beside your writting. You are in business now!

Business is about creating value-add things for people. It could anything from writting(entertainment) till household products. Now the power is in your hands. Do you want the money?

Microsoft Certified System Engineer versus Experience

When comes to System Administrator position, many companies prefer someone with MCSE compare with someone who do not have. One thing the companies fail to understand that a good candidate is the one who do not have MCSE however able to be independent enough to keep learning by himself through various sources and able to maintain the companies IT infrastructure without problem for years. This candidate could be much better than MCSE level. They are learning the latest technology due to their own endeavour. MCSE course syllabus are fixed and they are putting them to think like a box.

People with exposure and experience but without MCSE are able to do much better because they can use various technology combine together to give you the best solution. That is what I call think out of the box. Furthermore, MCSE course teach people the right ways to do things therefore those candidate with MCSE do not know what are the reasons behind the right ways. Take a non-MCSE candidate, they would do the trial and error method to get things done. No doubt it is time consuming however they know every corners of the system. This allow them to design their own effective ways to do things. Sometime better than those taught in MCSE courses.

Would you prefer someone to build they own road compare with someone who walks a pre-built road all the time. The choice is yours.

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